Speaking numerous languages can be rewarding and fun. It can also open up immense opportunities for career growth. This is because the world is now more interconnected than ever due to the Internet.
Learning a new language is an invaluable skill you should look to attain during your free time. By being bilingual or multi-lingual, you may gain a competitive advantage and help you stand out to your employers and company stakeholders. This may propel your career growth and consequently boost you towards financial freedom.
But with an already packed schedule, is learning a foreign language worth it? Read on to see how learning a second language can foster career growth.
1. Your CV Will Stand Out
The job market is crowded. This means the competition for the few available jobs is fierce. One effective strategy is to outdo other suitable applicants who may possess similar skills and experience. You can do this by stating in your CV that you understand a second language. The knowledge of a second language will undoubtedly give you an edge over other interviewees. This is more so crucial when applying at an international company searching for a staff who can speak comfortably to clients from other nations.
Speaking a foreign language is also appealing to firms looking to expand their operations to other areas of the world. This is because your knowledge of a foreign language helps ensure smooth communication with foreign clients. Therefore, to ensure you don't miss out on a potential job opportunity, you can find an online platform where you can learn a second language. Hiring a tutor is also an option, especially if you want to learn Korean fast or any other language.
2. You Don't Need An Interpreter
Companies are always hoping to reduce their operational costs. Learning a second language helps your employer achieve this objective. This is because your knowledge of a second language means your employer won't need to hire an interpreter when talking to an audience not familiar with your native language. In addition to saving money, it saves time that would have been spent searching for a qualified interpreter.
Another disadvantage of working with an interpreter is that even the most skilled and experienced one won't translate physical gestures. And because you don't understand whatever the interpreter is saying, you won't know if, at some point, they misconstrue your words. As a result, something you say might end up getting lost in translation.
3. Create Job Opportunities
Because today's world is a global village, corporations and companies are searching for bilingual or multilingual professionals. This trend is evident in numerous industries, including banking, sales, retail, administration, law, marketing, education, communication, tourism, and many others. Because of this, learning a second language opens up new career opportunities that you would have otherwise not qualified for. While it might certainly be hectic, it's certainly worth it.
4. Helps You Demand For A Higher Pay
The demand for employees who can fluently speak a foreign language is greater than the number of persons capable of delivering this to employers. And because of this shortage, your ability to communicate in a foreign language increases your bargaining power when negotiating your salary. As a result, you'll end up being paid higher than what other monolingual employees get.
For instance, the United States military pays its employees around $1,000 extra per month for knowing a foreign language.
5. Boost Your Career Growth Opportunities
Your knowledge of a second language will help you get hired and receive that much-wanted promotion. Your understanding of a foreign culture and language will open up higher positions for you within your company. When working for a smaller firm, your bilingual attributes will be essential to helping the company establish its operations abroad or search for new business opportunities. For the larger companies, being bilingual is necessary because you'll often be heading overseas to supervise the company's operations in these foreign lands.
6. Improve Your Business Relationships
Learning a second language allows you to interact with individuals from different cultures and develop a much deeper connection. This is because your understanding of a foreign language helps your clients feel confident and comfortable when talking to you. In addition, speaking in their language removes any barrier that may be there. This can improve your relationship with your clients, resulting in better business performance.
It's easy to assume that there's no correlation between learning a foreign language and having positive career growth. However, as this article explains, there can be a correlation between the two. With this in mind, you may go right ahead and sign up for classes to learn a foreign language of your preference.