Apply for summer research project in life science 2022

December 16, 2021

Apply for summer research project in life science 2022UiO:Life Science will fund 40 educational summer research projects for students between April and September 2022. 40 of them will be assigned to a summer research project. You can have a summer research project from UiO:Life Science no more than two times. If you are a researcher at UiO, OUS or Ahus, you may provide summer research projects for students in life sciences. Students will perform research addressing health and disease, environmental issues or other topics related to life science.

Apply for summer research project in life science 2022

UiO:Life Science will fund 40 educational summer research projects for students between April and September 2022. Students currently enrolled in a bachelor, master or relevant professional degree program at the University of Oslo are eligible to apply. The first 100 students to register will be admitted to a digital matchmaking on 7 March.

The registration will open on this web page 13 January at 8 AM.

100 students will be accepted in the initial registration. 40 of them will be assigned to a summer research project. You can have a summer research project from UiO:Life Science no more than two times. Note that if you already have had a project two times, you are not eligible to apply.

If you are a researcher at UiO, OUS or Ahus, you may provide summer research projects for students in life sciences. The application deadline is 1 February.

Students with summer projects, from left Maia Bangsund (2021), Nuria Pereira Banzon (2020), Marius F. Maurstad (2018) and Emma Eriksson (2019).

Students will perform research addressing health and disease, environmental issues or other topics related to life science.

Research will be under supervision integrated in a research group within life science at the University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital or Akershus University Hospital for six weeks full-time equivalent during the summer. The exact work plan and time period will be set up by the project leader and the student when the student is assigned.

The project in itself is unpaid. To compensate for lack of other income, UiO:Life Science awards the students who get assigned to a project a stipend of NOK 50 000. The stipend will be subject to tax. Each student is responsible for providing the necessary tax information. The stipend is paid after confirmation that the student has started the project.


  • The application form opens on 13 January at 08.00.
  • The first 100 applicants will be admitted to the matchmaking seminar on 7 March from 14.00 to 17.00 at Blindern. 
  • In the seminar you will meet researchers presenting projects. You will subsequently rate the projects, and the project leaders will rate the students they have met. UiO:Life Science will then combine the ratings and assign projects to 40 students.
  • The 40 students assigned to projects will receive a contract to be filled out together with the project leader, agreeing on the time period, the work to be done and deliveries to the project.
  • All students must make a poster on the project and learning outcomes for the closing event on in October. In August/September you will be offered a seminar on scientific presentation techniques, including poster design.
The source of this news is from University of Oslo

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