Benjamin Netanyahu caused serious upset in his war cabinetBenjamina Netanyahu was forced to apologize after sparking "a lot of anger" in his war cabinet when he blamed the country’s security services for failing to anticipate Hamas’s October 7 attack. The Prime Minister, who has since said he was wrong, wrote on social media claiming that they did not adequately alert him to an imminent Hamas attack, but instead reassured him that the group was "deterred." But Howard Stoffer, an international affairs expert who spent 25 years working for the US government, says this is just another example that the 74-year-old is "unfit" to lead Israel during its war with Hamas. READ MORE: Officials sound alarm over 'imminent' typhoid and cholera outbreak in GazaThe Prime Minister blamed the country's intelligence services"I think he is as erractic and unfit to be leading Israel through this tremendous time of challenge. After more than a week of public pressure from the US for “humanitarian pauses” in Gaza, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on Monday allowed that his government might be open to only “little pauses” in its assault on Hamas.