Experts call for new economic modelling to meet energy transition ambition

October 18, 2024

In a featured comment publication for Nature Energy, researchers - including from the Institute for New Economic Thinking and the Oxford Smith School at the University of Oxford - outline the challenges facing policymakers working with traditional economic modelling across the public and industrial sectors. ">Video of Doyne Farmer - Nature Energy policy and modelling'We've been working with partners in China, India, Brazil, the UK, and Europe to explore what kind of modelling support they need to understand the energy transition. ">Video of Pete Barbrook Johnson - Nature Energy policy and modelling'Traditional economics has failed us by providing, so far, mostly bad advice. We need new economic modelling to support this. The paper 'Economic modelling fit for the demands of energy decision makers' is published in Nature Energy.

The source of this news is from University of Oxford