New Oxford quantum hub to tackle key challenges in quantum technologies

October 20, 2024

Quantum technologies harness quantum physics to gain a functionality or performance which is otherwise unattainable, deriving from science which cannot be explained by classical physics such as Newton’s laws of motion or thermodynamics. The Hub for Quantum Computing via Integrated and Interconnected Implementations (QCI3) is led by the University of Oxford. We will work with our industrial partners to unlock critical challenges in the development of quantum technologies, and drive impact through the development of real-world use cases for quantum computing. Oxford also has a strong track record in launching quantum spinouts and startups, including Oxford Ionics, which is harnessing the power of trapped ions, and Oxford Quantum Circuits, which is developing quantum computers based on superconducting devices. Harnessing the unique properties of quantum physics such as entanglement and quantum memory, the networks will be designed to ensure secure access to future quantum computing services, as well as future-proof secure quantum communications and distributed quantum sensing applications.

The source of this news is from University of Oxford