Oxford co-led study finds Britons in favour of EDI initiatives but with renewed approach

October 18, 2024

The study, co-authored by Professor Tim Soutphommasane (Chief Diversity Officer), found that Britons are five times more likely to express positive views about EDI and that the initiatives are beneficial to them. The public, across ideological lines, are more likely than not to think that they personally benefit from EDI initiatives. The study, however, also highlights the need for building greater confidence about how to speak about diversity-related matters, and for EDI initiatives to avoid reinforcing ‘us versus them’ dynamics. Getting this right is essential to building sustainable support for EDI and to EDI success in the future. As part of this, we have an important role in contributing to public conversations and understanding about EDI,’ Professor Soutphommasane added.

The source of this news is from University of Oxford